VAPAE Events
There’s always something going on at VAPAE. See our upcoming and past events below.

CA for the Arts Wonky Wednesday Webinar
Join CA for the Arts on August 14, 2024 from 12 - 1PM for Wonky Wednesday Webinar featuring VAPAE’s Research and Evaluation Specialist and Laura Zucker Fellow for Policy & Research at Arts for LA, Lindsey Kunisaki.

VAPAE Arts Ed 108 Performance Project: Where I’m From
A Multidisciplinary Work-in-Progress Performance Project created and performed by the students of Arts ED 108: Performing Arts Methods and featuring The Musical Theatre, Dance, and Jazz Vocal Ensemble students from Grand Arts High School

VAPAE Arts Ed 107 Class Exhibition: Together in Memory
Organized by UCLA Visual and Performing Arts Education (VAPAE) students, lecturer Christina Korn and teaching associate Farshid Bazmandegan, Together in Memory features 10 artworks inspired by the Hammer Museum’s Together in Time collection.

UCLA VAPAE Presents: What is Community? An Informal Arts Mixer
On the evening of March 8, 2023 VAPAE's Arts Ed 105 Arts Programs in Correctional Institutions class, along with members of the Homeboy Art Academy and InsideOUT Writers came together to share space, food and perspectives. Participants shared original multimedia arts, paintings and illustrations, music, creative writing and poetry performances in response to the question: What is Community?

Back to School with VAPAE
Join the faculty and teaching artists of UCLA’s Visual and Performing Arts Education program for an interactive art-making project for the whole family, followed by a discussion of resources and best practices on how to bring online arts education into your creative home.

Teaching for Social Change through Art: Strategies for Enhancing Media Literacy in 2020
How can teachers respond to months of civil unrest, continuous coverage of systemic racism in the media, and youth-led actions to effect social change? In this three-part series, teachers will explore strategies for using art to address this current moment in the classroom—either in a physical or virtual space.

The i <art3 UCLA Virtual Gallery is an online exhibit space showcasing creative works from the UCLA community. As a founding collaboration between the Residential Life Arts Engagement, Hammer Museum, Fowler Museum, VAPAE Program, and UCLA’s Center for Art and Performance - i <art3 UCLA Virtual Gallery invites all UCLA community members to congregate, view, and submit artworks to the gallery.

Arts Through Community Gallery: A Celebration of VAPAE’s Afterschool and Arts Enrichment Programs
Join us for our third annual Arts Through Community Gallery: A Celebration of VAPAE’s Afterschool and Arts Enrichment Programs. Work from all of our programs, VAPAE Teaching Artists, and the VAPAE Team will be exhibited. Food and refreshments provided.

VAPAE End of Year Celebration
Join VAPAE as we celebrate the accomplishments of our Arts Education Teaching Sequence students and VAPAE Minor graduates!

The Butterfly Effect: Activism & Transformation through the Arts | An Evening with Favianna Rodriguez & Guests
The monarch butterfly is a symbol Favianna Rodriguez has used throughout much of her activism and art work, serving as a representation of crossing of borders and the beauty of migration. Illuminating Favianna’s personal and artistic mission, which is to inspire social and political change through art, cultural organizing, and technology, her presentation will offer new ideas pertaining to how we speak about, write about, and create around issues of migration and social engagement.

Arts Through Community: A Celebration of VAPAE’s Afterschool Art Programs
December 12th, 2018 will be the 2nd annual Arts Through Community: A Celebration of VAPAE’s Afterschool Art Programs where all of VAPAE’s afterschool arts programs, teaching artists, and staff will display their works at the UCLA Sculpture Gallery. Please join us for food, artworks, and celebration of community!

Teacher Workshop: Creative Risk-Taking
Join us for a free professional development program for 5th-12th grade teachers, administrators, and teaching artists.
How can art inspire us to be bold and original in our thinking, collaborate confidently with others, and take creative risks in the arts and other core subjects?

Arts Through Community: A Celebration of VAPAE's Afterschool Art Programs
Location: Sculpture Gallery 1200, UCLA Broad Art Center
Please RSVP to vapae@arts.ucla.edu

Narratives of Agency: Culminating Event at Barry J Nidorf Juvenile Hall
In collaboration with the UCLA Prison Education Program, NARRATIVES OF AGENCY is the culmination of Arts Ed 101, the Fall 2017 practicum course in which UCLA VAPAE students faciliate an interdisciplinary arts survey for incarcerated students at the Barry J. Nidorf Juvenile Hall Compound, who receive UCLA Extension credit for their participation. Featuring original poetry, choreography, visual art, physical theater and more, NARRATIVES OF AGENCY showcases the creative work of this pilot cohort, examining the role of agency in artistic practice, community building, and personal transformation.

Eco Poetry Workshop
Sponsored by the Department of World Arts and Cultures/Dance and the Visual and Performing Arts Education (VAPAE) Program. Led by Gabriel Cortez, youth educator current working with Oakland's Youth Speaks and co-hosted by David Gere, Professor in WAC/D and Kevin Kane, Director of VAPAE. Space is limited but the workshop is open to WAC/D, VAPAE, and the campus community.

Beyond The Bars LA: The End of Mass Incarceration
On October 13th, 14th, & 15th, 2017, the Justice Work Group at UCLA will host Beyond the Bars LA: The End of Mass Incarceration, our inaugural conference, to bring together the community organizations, activists, policy makers, researchers, students, and those directly impacted by issues of incarceration from across the nation. This conference seeks to join the efforts of individuals and groups in these different sectors all working to end mass incarceration, to bring together our knowledge, experience, and expertise.

UCLA VAPAE Studio Sessions @ St. Sophia: CULMINATING EVENT
UCLA VAPAE Studio Sessions @ St. Sophia invites you to our CULIMATING EVENT!

Art and Incarceration: A pop-up gallery and panel discussion
A one-time exhibition of works created by the students of Arts Ed 105: Arts Programs in Correctional Institutions - History, Theory, and Practice examining the role of Arts in Corrections as a response to mass incarceration and the Prison Industrial Complex in the United States.

Excellence in Teaching Artistry: An Evening with Eric Booth and Local Performing Arts Educators
Through this free public event, the UCLA Visual and Performing Arts Education (VAPAE) Program, in collaboration with the Department of Theater in the School of Theater, Film & Television, seeks to bring together multiple publics to discuss the importance and impact of the teaching artist profession and the conditions necessary for excellent teaching artists to blossom and thrive in partnerships with non-profit arts organizations and local schools.

Join us for a gallery opening to celebrate the photographs from our students at Venice High!
Please join us for a gallery opening to celebrate the photographs from our students at Venice High.

Grant Writing for Artist Activists | Workshop led by Beth Pickens
Sponsored by the UCLA Visual and Performing Arts Education (VAPAE) Program, Art as Resistance is a monthly student-organized space in which artistic practice and political resistance can intersect, mutually inform, and work towards change.

Art as Resistance
Art as Resistance is a monthly student-organized space in which artistic practice and political resistance can intersect, coexist, mutually inform, and work towards change.

Teacher Professional Development Program
How is identity formed? In what ways is identity shaped by the systems and forces of our world? Join us for a FREE professional development program for K-12 teachers, administrators, and teaching artists.

Questions of Quality in Arts Education, Part II: A Local Perspective
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Connecting Art and the Common Core: A Teacher Institute
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Play and Creativity in Art Teaching
Nationally known art educator George Szekely will draw from his two classic volumes, Encouraging Creativity in Art Lessons and From Play to Art and his new book, Play and Creativity in Art Teaching, to discuss his approach to teaching art. The central premise is that art teachers are not only a source of knowledge about art but also a catalyst for creating conditions that encourage students to use their own ideas for making art. Teachers can build on children’s energy and self-initiated discoveries to inspire school art that comes from the child’s imagination. The foundation for this teaching approach is the belief that the essential goal of art teaching is to inspire children to behave like artists and that art comes from within themselves and not from teaching formula or a single set of techniques to be followed – rather he discusses and models how all teachers can help children find art in familiar materials and ordinary places, accessible to everyone.
Community Dialogue and Civic Practice – An Experiential Workshop
Michael Rohd, nationally known arts leader and author of Theatre for Community, Conflict and Dialogue, will facilitate this experiential workshop for UCLA undergraduates and local high school students; Introductory remarks by Chris Anthony, director of Shakespeare LA & Will Power to Youth Program
Questions of Quality: What Is High Quality Arts Education and Why Does It Matter?
How do arts educators conceptualize quality in arts learning experiences and how do they work to achieve and sustain quality in their work? And what role do young people play in creating high quality arts learning experiences? Dr. Steve Seidel, Bauman and Bryant Chair in Arts in Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, will share his research on the challenges of offering high quality arts experiences to all students.
Remembering Friedl Dicker-Brandeis, Terezín Artist and Teacher
Based on recent interviews the excerpts are grounded in Dr. Wix’s research into memory as sited; the portraiture encounter; and the life lessons that the young art students took from their teacher, Friedl Dicker-Brandeis. The evening includes a short musical component featuring the Milken Community School Kol Echad Concert Choir and UCLA student, Danielle Kathleen Bayne, co-sponsored by the Mickey Katz Endowed Chair in Jewish Music at UCLA.