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Play and Creativity in Art Teaching

Location: Popper Auditorium, Schoenberg Hall, UCLA

Nationally known art educator George Szekely will draw from his two classic volumes, Encouraging Creativity in Art Lessons and From Play to Art and his new book, Play and Creativity in Art Teaching, to discuss his approach to teaching art. The central premise is that art teachers are not only a source of knowledge about art but also a catalyst for creating conditions that encourage students to use their own ideas for making art. Teachers can build on children’s energy and self-initiated discoveries to inspire school art that comes from the child’s imagination. The foundation for this teaching approach is the belief that the essential goal of art teaching is to inspire children to behave like artists and that art comes from within themselves and not from teaching formula or a single set of techniques to be followed – rather he discusses and models how all teachers can help children find art in familiar materials and ordinary places, accessible to everyone.

George Szekely is Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in Art Education, University of Kentucky and President-Elect of the National Art Education Association. For his lifetime contributions to art education, he received the Victor Lowenfeld Prize and the Emanuel Barkan Award. He was named a National Treasure by the National Art Education Association and presented with the honor of becoming a Distinguished Fellow. 


Department of Music Education
UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music
UCLA Graduate School of Education & Information Studies
UCLA School of the Arts and Architecture
Visual and Performing Arts Education Program (VAPAE) 


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