Creativity Sessions at Ad Astra
Can the Arts provide relevance to scientific inquiry, tasks, and tools; Can it function as a solution to long term applications and challenges of travel and movement? Two UCLA/VAPAE Teaching Artists will lead 18 weekly sessions; Design and Media Arts major, and World Arts and Cultures are the Teaching Artists majors. Weekly projects will include Multidisciplinary Arts lessons that explore: Intersections between Visual Arts and Science, Art as Coding, Movement and Design, and Art as Equity.
VAPAE Teaching Artists: Jane E. Kim & Alyssa Scott
ACT ONE at Aviva Family and Children's Services
ACT ONE is a partnership between Aviva Children and Family Services, the UCLA Visual and Performing Arts Education (VAPAE) program and Agency Arts offering arts based diversion programming and UCLA student mentorship to formerly incarcerated and system impacted Los Angeles youth. The fall program, starting October 5, consists of 10 workshops to build performance skills and will end with an informal work in progress sharing and art demonstration for an audience of family and community members.
Teaching Artists: Bianette Linares, Jai Williams, and Gabriel Gutierrez.
ACT TWO: Performing Arts for System-Impacted Youth
ACT TWO is a 10 week performing arts program for formerly incarcerated and system-impacted youth from throughout Los Angeles. With support from the California Arts Council's Re-Entry Through the Arts grant, and led by our team of UCLA faculty, student mentors, and VAPAE teaching artists, ACT TWO is a platform for young people of our community who have been impacted by the criminal justice system to use the performing arts - dance, theater, poetry/spoken word, music and more - to tell their own original stories onstage. Over the course of the 10 weeks, participants from our community partner sites - Aviva Family and Children's Services, Youth Build Hollywood Charter School/Home Sweet Home, and Free LA High School/ the Youth Justice Coalition - will work together in a collaborative creative process to create a fully staged devised theatre performance to be performed at UCLA in March of 2018.
Visual Arts at Coeur d'Alene Avenue Elementary School
Visual Arts @ Coeur d'Alene provides the tools and support students need in order to grow as artists and creative human beings. Students intertwine their life experiences with an arts practice in a supportive, constructive environment. These Visual Arts sessions inspire students to gain a new perspective of their world and a better understanding of themselves. Students at Coeur d’Alene Avenue Elementary will engage with a wide array of media including painting, drawing, bookmaking, collage, and more.
VAPAE Teaching Artists: Lily Raven Leon & Yue Wang
Dance at Emerson Community Charter
Dance at Emerson offers students a safe, welcoming, and fun space to build new friendships, learn the skills necessary to develop as dance artists, and receive the support they need to grow as creative and confident human beings. This program is open to any student with any level of dance experience, who is committed and passionate about dancing. Dancers will train in a variety of hip-hop, house, and contemporary dance styles while also learning new choreography and creating their own dances. Every week, participants will learn new steps and work towards creating dance routines!
VAPAE Teaching Artists: Ria Julian & Jessi Pontillas
Studio Sessions at Emerson Community Charter Middle School
Studio Sessions at Emerson provides young adults the tools and support they need in order to grow as artists and creative human beings. Students intertwine their life experiences with an arts practice in a supportive, constructive environment. These Studio Sessions inspire students to gain a new perspective of their world and a better understanding of themselves. Young adults at Emerson Community Charter Middle School engage with a wide array of media including painting, drawing, bookmaking, printmaking, collage, and more.
VAPAE Teaching Artists: Aya Fathallah & Amanda Sutton
Multigenerational After School Arts Program (MASA) at UCLA Community School
An afterschool arts program open to all UCS 6th grade students and all UCS parents interested in expressing themselves through art. VAPAE provides a welcome, creative, and fun space in order to make art, share our family and cultural traditions, and tell our stories. MASA is an innovative arts program that provides creative artists from different generations the opportunity to evolve as creative human beings as they bond as artists. 6th grade students and their parents intertwine their life experiences with an arts practice in a supportive, constructive environment. This fall students are exploring the artistic and cultural traditions involved in the Dia de los Muertos celebration through altar making and other arts and social activities.
MASA families focus on the idea of sanctuary: what do our communities look like if we recreate them with boxes and little wooden people? What consists of a sanctuary? Where do we find sanctuary? Other topics of exploration are positive and negative space, mixed fabric media, tapestries, and weavings.
VAPAE Teaching Artists: Raymundo Baltazar, Amorette Muzingo, & Claudia Vera Rosas
Studio Sessions @ St. Sophia's
The UCLA VAPAE Studio Sessions at St. Sophia afterschool program provides 6th-8th graders with the tools and support they need to grow as artists and creative human beings. Students learn to connect their life experiences with an arts practice in a supportive, constructive environment, while exploring themes of identity and self-expression. Students explore and experiment with a variety of media to learn more about themselves and what they want to communicate through their art. By encouraging students to find their own visual language, gather inspiration from their everyday surroundings, collaborate with one another and understand the larger world of art and creativity, VAPAE seeks to inspire a creative arts practice that will continue throughout the lives of the participants.
VAPAE Teaching Artists: Brittany Ko & Brianda Perez
PhotoVoice at Venice High School
By providing an afterschool arts program focused on photo narratives, Venice High School students explore the medium and technical aspects of photography while simultaneously developing digital visuals that utilize digital applications, analog, art surrounding a subjective narrative theme.
VAPAE Teaching Artists: Rachel Tu & Owen Weitzel